Project Warlock Review

I played a lot of Wolfenstein and Dark Forces as a kid, so I appreciate the retro design decisions made in Project Warlock. This is a great example of a classic PC shooter, right down to the beautifully janky graphics and secret walls that require spamming the action button. I enjoyed Project Warlock quite a bit, but that’s only because I powered through the game’s lackluster first act. Level 1 is an especially bad first impression where you’re expected to make do with a handful of melee weapons amid some pretty grating music. And the boss of the first act can feel extremely unfair if you didn’t have the foresight to buy the right spell or weapon upgrades leading into it.

The second act onward, however, is much better. The music and sound effects are still hit and miss, but the action is great. The game starts dumping lots of cool weapons on you, and the upgrade points start paying off in noticeable ways. I’m glad that the difficulty didn’t scale in such a way where you always feel like you’re behind. I definitely felt stronger as the game progressed, despite levels throwing more and bigger enemies at me. The last act is particularly insane when the game just tosses in every enemy you’ve ever seen since Level 1, but now you’ve got laser guns and rocket launchers to mow them down with. It’s an exhilarating experience through and through.


I love gaming so much, I wrote a book about it.

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I love gaming so much, I wrote a book about it.