For a TV show that has the word “friends” in the title, this is some of the most unbelievable camaraderie I’ve ever seen. These people don’t feel like friends at all. Sure, the dialogue constantly reminds you that they have history, and the montages scream, “Look, we’re having fun together!” but it’s all so forced. I guess you could argue that, being horrible people, they don’t have many other options. But the characters aren’t comically horrible like the gang from It’s Always Sunny. They’re more like the characters from The League: upper-class assholes who get enjoyment out of sabotaging each other. At least The League was pretty funny in its first few seasons. Friends From College simply has no sense of humor.
I’m actually confused how I should have approached this show. Was it supposed to be a comedy? It seldom tries to be funny, and when it does attempt comedy, it fails on cringe-worthy levels. I think the show would have been better received if it just went all-out drama and re-cast everyone. I don’t know why you would bring in actors like Keegan-Michael Key and Billy Eichner if you’re just going to subdue their normally manic personalities. Occasionally, Key will talk in a funny voice or flail around, but those moments of “levity” are so out of place with the rest of the cast. His random, jokey behavior doesn’t excuse the fact that his character’s a dick, anyway.
So one of the main story threads is that Key’s character has been cheating on his wife with another woman… who happens to be in the same circle of friends. Yeah, hard to root for a guy in that situation. And if watching one affair isn’t bad enough, the show introduces a second affair within the same circle of friends in the last few episodes. Seriously, these people have no respect for each other. At least the friends from It’s Always Sunny and The League had something in common to keep them together. Here, I just never saw a connection. They were friends, because it’s a TV show. They were cheating on each other… because it’s a TV show. A pretty bad TV show, to boot.
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