Peep Show – Season 9 Review

I forgot how much I love this show. I’ve watched the entire series (minus Season 9) at least three times through now. There was a fairly long hiatus between Seasons 8 and 9, though, which may be why I didn’t think Season 9 was all that great when it first aired. But I’ve gained a better appreciation for it after recently re-watching it. What originally threw me off more than anything was Jeremy’s bisexuality kind of coming out of nowhere. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter, of course, but, fresh off the Dobby debacle, it was a very abrupt “revelation.” While it still felt that way on a second viewing, knowing that’s where his character was headed made it easier to sit back and enjoy the shenanigans. Like Mark, you just have to say, “So this is a thing now, is it?” and carry on.

Mark brings with him his own problems in Season 9, though. Sure, he was never a saint to begin with, but he starts to act on his worst impulses more than you would expect. He literally kicks an otherwise good roommate out and maliciously attempts to break up a marriage so he can swoop in and take over as the new boyfriend. These things do come back to bite him in the ass, though. Thus, balance is restored in the Peep Show universe. This isn’t a finale meant to shake things up. The show ends pretty much where it began, meaning you could immediately restart with Season 1 and feel right at home. As Mark so eloquently puts it, “Butter the toast. Eat the toast. Shit the toast. God, life’s relentless.” Well, that’s one more Peep Show quote that’s gonna roll around in my head for years now.


I love gaming so much, I wrote a book about it.

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I love gaming so much, I wrote a book about it.