Well, that was pretty great, and maybe the best show Netflix has debuted in a long time. I think I have The Good Place to thank for priming me for this type of content, though. Both are weird, existential, dark, funny, and touching all at once. While the surface story isn’t terribly original at first—imagine a raunchier Groundhog Day—the show becomes its own thing by the end of Episode 2. I gotta enter spoiler territory to explain why I started loving the show so much at that point, but here goes… Once we’re introduced to a second victim of the time loop, Russian Doll takes on a completely new journey that’s less “trying to repeat the correct steps each day” and more “how the eff did we both get into this mess.”
While Nadia was a fun character with the right amount of snark, I couldn’t see her carrying the show on her own for the entire season. So pairing her with Alan was perfect, and it was a lot of fun to see how the two of them handled their situation, dealt with their recurring deaths, and ultimately grew as people. I was worried where the show was going to end when the penultimate episode was framed like a horror story with weird and creepy things happening for no reason. But the finale more than made up for it. I really like the note it ended on, a very Good Place-esque, bittersweet sense of acceptance. Given the ending, I don’t think a Season 2 is warranted, but I do hope we start seeing more content like this on Netflix.
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